
Reconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in Kromeriz

Reconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in Kromeriz

Reconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in Kromeriz for the district office of social services in Kromeriz.

Completed in the year 2001
Reconstructions, extensionsResidential buildingsHealth and social care buildingsHistorical buildings


Reconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in KromerizReconstruction of the retirement home on Riegrove Square in Kromeriz

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