
New national district archive in Kromeriz

New national district archive in Kromeriz

New national district archive in Kromeriz for the district office in Kromeriz.

Completed in the year 1997
New buildings


New national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in Kromeriz

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Selected referenceSURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)

SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)

The first and at the same time the only indoor surfing facility in the country is located in Prague Letňany. Surfing lovers, beginners or advanced, may enjoy the ride on a specially created wave, and for those who prefer sipping good coffee may enjoy their cup in the…