
New eatery building for the school in nature in Rajnochovice

New eatery building for the school in nature in Rajnochovice

New eatery building for the school in nature in Rajnochovice for the town hall of Kromeriz

Completed in the year 1995


New eatery building for the school in nature in RajnochoviceNew eatery building for the school in nature in RajnochoviceNew eatery building for the school in nature in RajnochoviceNew eatery building for the school in nature in Rajnochovice

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Selected referenceReconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

Reconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

We have recently completed the reconstruction of laboratories for Tomas Bata University in Zlín. The second underground floor of building U2 was modified to establish top laboratories and high-quality facilities for the students and employees of the Department of Food…