
Extension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in Kromeriz

Extension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in Kromeriz

Extension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in Kromeriz.

Completed in the year 1999
New buildingsReconstructions, extensionsSchool buildingsHistorical buildings


Extension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in KromerizExtension of a high school and sports hall for High Schools in Kromeriz

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Selected referenceReconstruction of the Home for the Elderly in Dobrá Voda

Reconstruction of the Home for the Elderly in Dobrá Voda

The home for the elderly as a place for peaceful old age had needed extensive repaires that required significant repairs as well as the modification of the layout. The construction was performed under the regular operation of the home which on one hand made the…