Other selected references

Reconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

CTU Lecture Rooms – “Czech Technical University in Prague – Reconstruction of Lecture Rooms B280 and B286”

Apartment building in Jičín

Reconstruction of the building in Kateřinská Street – Palacký University in Olomouc

Reconstruction of the headquarters of the University of Defence in Brno
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Centre for Seniors "Zahrada" ("Garden") – new building for the Town of Bystřice pod Hostýnem
We had built a home for the elderly called “Zahrada“ (“The Garden“) for temporary as well as permanent residency. The four-floor building in Bystřice pod Hostýnem serves not only as a pleasant place for living for the elderly generation with various mobility limitations, but also as the culture centre and the caffeteria for the elderly who do not reside in the building.
The new “Zahrada“ building was supplied together with its contract documents within which we took into acount also the needs of the building itself as well as its inclusion in the surroundings and additional works in the area. The complex is located in the north-east part of the town of Bystřice pod Hostýnem where it represents the transition between the area of family houses and blocks-of-flats, therefore we decided for a building-type of a four-floor building with a saddle roof.
The “Zahrada“ home for the elderly is comprised of living units with 74 beds, in which the individual seniors reside. Their limited mobility and orientation had been expected and therefore we adapted the interior in all aspects to barrier-free mobility and we placed there two elevators. The entire equipment of the units – hangers, tables, kitchen counters and other – is placed in the height reachable from the wheelchair, as well as is all control panels of kitchen utensils and the kitchen fume-cupboard. We also built room for 60 employees of the home.
We completed the area with a relaxation zone with trees and bushes planted, benches and other garden equipment installed. The eldery have the opportunity to visit the chapel and also a covered wooden pergola for various activities and relaxing. We equipped the entire building and its surroundings so that the elderly could enjoy their retirement in dignity, in calm and quietly without troubles in a convenient and satisfactory living complex.
Realization from – to: 08/2010 – 04/2012
Price of the construction: 103 mil. CZK
Completed in the year 2012New buildingsResidential buildingsHealth and social care buildings