
Apartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of Vizovice

Apartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of Vizovice

Apartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of Vizovice were awarded honorary recognition in the competition “Building of the Year 2006 in the Zlin Region”

Completed in the year 2006
New buildingsResidential buildings


Apartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of VizoviceApartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of VizoviceApartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of VizoviceApartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of VizoviceApartment buildings on Tyršova Street in Vizovice for the Town of Vizovice

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Selected referenceMilitary University Hospital Prague – the pavilion of the Military Institute of Forensic Medicine and of Pathology

Military University Hospital Prague – the pavilion of the Military Institute of Forensic Medicine and of Pathology

The pavilion of the Military University Hospital in Prague was designed to complement older building E. The new four-floor building is lower than the neighboring building and it thus makes a transitional element between the hospital and houses of the Radimova Street.