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Tree of Life Spa Resort in Lázně Bělohrad for Ann’s Peat Spa

New building district court Karviná in Havířov

Military University Hospital Prague – the pavilion of the Military Institute of Forensic Medicine and of Pathology

Reconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

University Centre in Zlín
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Apartment building including utility connections at Hladnovské street in Ostrava for REAL HOUSING s.r.o.
We built a three-floor apartment building with the basement in the part of Ostrava called Muglinov, particularly on Hladnovská street. The building houses 23 apartments including the appropriate background.
The building is, as a part of the construction, connected to the networks of the technical infrastructure such as water supply or unified sewage. There i salso the connection to the electrical energy, gas and weak current distributions, which we conducted in cooperation with other companies.
Our aim was to focus not only on the apartment building itself but also on minor landscaping and terrain works so that the living of the residents of the locality may be high-quality and comfortable. The building has apartments of standard sizes such as 1 room and a kitchen, 2 rooms and a kitchen, 3 rooms and a kitchen or 4 rooms and a kitchen. 22 parking places in the underground and 11 parking places in the outside private parking lot are at the residents` disposal.
As part of the construction works we conducted the necessary ground works, waterproofing, reinforced concrete columns in the underground, lining with ceramic blocks with the insulation system, including the outdoor loggia with a grid made of Finnish pine. All the details and individual features of the building were built in compliance with the current needs of a comfortable and high-quality living of individuals as well as couples of any age, or of families with children.
Realization from – to: 10/2008 – 10/2010
Price of the construction: 44 mil. CZK
Completed in the year 2010New buildingsSchool buildings