Other selected references

Construction and technological modifications in the menageries of the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (the CAS) and the Institute of Microbiology of the CAS – Reconstruction of the current menageries in building G

Reconstruction of the municipal swimming pool in the town of Rakovník

The extension and reconstruction of the Catholic grammar school Třebíč

CTU Lecture Rooms – “Czech Technical University in Prague – Reconstruction of Lecture Rooms B280 and B286”

Hotel and restaurant RAJKA
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Building modifications and extention of the hospital with polyclinic in Nový Jicín, – II. Stage
Building modifications and extention of the hospital with polyclinic in Nový Jicín, – II. Stage – addition of an internal medicine ward for the hospital with polyclinic in Nový Jicín
Completed in the year 2004New buildingsHealth and social care buildings