Other selected references

The polyclinic in Lanškroun

Reconstruction of the building in Kateřinská Street – Palacký University in Olomouc

Děčín Hospital Emergency Pavilion

Rehabilitation of the National Liberty Memorial in Hrabyně and Its Transformation into the World War II Memorial

New building of the Center for Materials, Mechanics, and Technology – J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
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Central Fire Station in Nový Jičín
We are introducing the Central Fire Station in Nový Jičín, which we have recently completed. The modern building, built near the intersection of the Propojovací and the Hřbitovní streets, will provide firefighters with excellent facilities and a strategic location for easier and faster responses to calls to the center of the town and surrounding villages.
The new premises, which took less than three years, will house the emergency unit, the Moravian-Silesian Region’s Fire and Rescue Service, and the Nový Jičín Territorial Department. In total, more than sixty employees will move here. The space at Propojovací Street was chosen mainly due to excellent accessibility to the town center and surrounding municipalities and the proximity of the future D 48 highway.
The planned operation of the workplace primarily influenced the form of the new building. Therefore, a simple and timeless look without embellishments was chosen. Firefighter uniforms and the overall dignity of this profession inspired the shape of the building. It should encourage respect but, at the same time, create an elegant impression.
The rectangular building, which is situated in the middle of the plot, is divided in height into several parts. The operation is divided into office areas, common areas, and a part designated for technology. In the direction of the western wing, the two-story building is further accentuated in terms of height by an elevated space for the gymnasium. From a structural point of view, it is a monolithic skeleton with masonry in the administrative part and a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame in the garages with infill masonry. The gymnasium on the 3rd above-ground floor is designed as a wooden structure made of CLT panels.
The interiors are also practical and timeless. The predominant color is gray in its various shades. We chose natural linoleum for the floors. In busy areas, then trowels or ceramic tiles.
We also built a sports field with a running track and a training tower.
Completed in the year 2023Significant structuresVideo referencesNew buildingsAdministrative buildings