Other selected references

Apartment building in Jičín

The polyclinic in Lanškroun

Vsetín Hospital – construction of the pavilion of internal medicine


Reconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University
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Hotel and restaurant RAJKA
We have lately completed the reconstruction works on the Rajka facility in Valašské Meziříčí. The restaurant, having been built in the 1990s, has now been facilitated also with a hotel accommodating almost sixty guests.
The premises were built in the 1980s and served as a house of services. The building was converted into a restaurant in the 1990s. The restaurant has still been operating up to now. With the annexation of the new part of the building and the one-storey extension, we have gained a sufficient space for the new and modern hotel. Both parts are with 30 double rooms and 2 four-bed rooms equipped with private bathrooms. The rooms are furnished functionally and are designated for tourists as well as businessmen on their business travels. The reception is located at the entrance to the hotel. The existing premises of the Rajka restaurant have been extended as well.
Completed in the year 2018Significant structuresVideo referencesReconstructions, extensionsResidential buildings