Other selected references

Teplice Hospital – construction of operating rooms, Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, ICU

Reconstruction of the Svítání Elementary and Practical School in Pardubice

TBU Technology Park and Technology Transfer Centre

Central Fire Station in Nový Jičín

Reconstruction of the University Canteen – Palacký University in Olomouc
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The construction works in the KCK CYKLOSPORT - MODE s.r.o. were completed. We facilitated the construction of a new administrative building and of a warehouse.
The administrative building is a four-storey object, immediately connected to the warehouse building designated as a reinforced concrete skeleton object. A parking lot for the staff and customers is situated at the entrance to the grounds of the company and has a direct connection to the administrative building. A truck parking is located behind the warehouse. The object is surrounded by a bypass road.
The construction project included also the installation of the utility networks and connections. There is a unique aspect of the works – the solar water heating systems placed on the roof of the building.
Completed in the year 2016Significant structuresVideo referencesNew buildingsIndustrial buildingsAdministrative buildings