Other selected references

Tree of Life Spa Resort in Lázně Bělohrad for Ann’s Peat Spa

Military University Hospital Prague – the pavilion of the Military Institute of Forensic Medicine and of Pathology

Central Fire Station in Nový Jičín

Multifunctional, education, community and cultural centre Fabrika

CTU Lecture Rooms – “Czech Technical University in Prague – Reconstruction of Lecture Rooms B280 and B286”
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New building of the Center for Materials, Mechanics, and Technology – J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
Students and employees of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem will soon have almost four thousand square meters of entirely new premises. At the eastern edge of the university campus, a new building of the Center for Materials, Mechanics, and Technology, which will offer new classrooms and modern laboratories, has been built by our company VW WACHAL in cooperation with ISTAR s.r.o.
We are honored to have been able to participate in the construction of new teaching facilities for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UJEP, which should start serving students and the staff from next year. The classrooms and laboratories at the Center for Materials, Mechanics, and Technology (CEMMTECH) will expand the existing ones in the adjoining building H. It was building H, which the new building is connected to and connected by a connecting neck on the second floor, that was no longer spacious enough for the needs of the faculty.
The new building, which is located along Pasteurova Street, will offer four floors above the ground and a semi-recessed one with regard to the slope of the land. Its appearance is connected to other buildings on the campus, and it is a vast complex of a rectangular floor plan. However, as the laboratories on the first floor are more demanding in terms of area and height, there was a certain asymmetry, which we solved by differentiating the upper floors, both in shape and material. For example, we chose different facade claddings. While the lower floor is in the gray color of the facade plaster, the upper floors of the building are made of ceramic tiles in brick color.
The terrace on the second floor is lined with planter boxes, which also serve as railings. A combination of lower trees, shrubs, and overhanging plants should be planted in these boxes. The attic of the roof also provides for greenery to line it.
The new CEMMTECH premises will offer six new classrooms, one computer room, and nine modern laboratories. In addition, the faculty staff will find facilities such as offices or a meeting room.
Completed in the year 2021Significant structuresVideo referencesNew buildingsSchool buildings