
New national district archive in Kromeriz

New national district archive in Kromeriz

New national district archive in Kromeriz for the district office in Kromeriz.

Completed in the year 1997
New buildings


New national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in KromerizNew national district archive in Kromeriz

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Selected referenceReconstruction of the School of music and arts in Uherské Hradiště

Reconstruction of the School of music and arts in Uherské Hradiště

The primary School of music and arts in Uherské Hradiště has been re-opened. The reconstructed premises now offer rooms for individuals and groups, concert halls, or a new yard. The building dates back to the 19th century and had to be closed in the past for its bad…