Other selected references

Tree of Life Spa Resort in Lázně Bělohrad for Ann’s Peat Spa

Rehabilitation of the National Liberty Memorial in Hrabyně and Its Transformation into the World War II Memorial

New building district court Karviná in Havířov

Reconstruction of the municipal swimming pool in the town of Rakovník

New OWI technological centre building in Přerov for Olympus Medical Products Czech s.r.o.
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Reconstruction of the dining hall of the Academy of Sciences in the premises of the Hotel Mazanka
The Academy of Sciences cafeteria in the Hotel Mazanka had not met the current demands any more. Its reconstruction was realized by the construction company VW Wachal, and the dining hall thus obtained a new look.
The cafeteria building within the premises of the Hotel Mazanka is a part of J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Besides the canteen and the kitchen, the building houses also administrative and accommodation spaces for the interns of the Academy of Sciences. A graphic studio may be found on the groundfloor, as well as the technical facilities for the remaining areas of the building.
The three-storey cafeteria building dating back to the 1970s had not met the current demands on the energetic performance; the building envelope and technical installations had been insufficient. Therefore, a tender was issued to seek the company for its reconstruction, and it was won by VW Wachal company. Apart from the repairing works and reconstruction of the timeworn parts of the building, the project also reorganized the inside layout of the premises to facilitate more efficient utilization of the place.
That meant not only to tear down the main three-arm staircase and its replacement with a new one, construct a new elevator shaft, or remaking of certain wall partitions with plasterboard walls. The original Boletice panels cladding was replaced by the new, alucobond one. The accommodation facilities of the premises were extended as well.
The outcome of the works was the transformation of an old building into a modern multipurpose facility offering the maximum of functionality, efficiency, as well as appearance compliant with the 21st century. As you can see in the pictures, they are a proof of a reconstruction successfully completed to the end. In case some of the parts of your building are getting outworn, contact us. We will be happy to reconstruct them for you.
Reconstructions, extensionsAdministrative buildings