
Reconstruction of the primary school in Morkovice

The main aim of the reconstruction was to restore the thermal and technical properties of the four pavilions of the building of the Primary school in Morkovice. The school is attended by approximately 400 pupils from the town of Morkovice and the surrounding villages; it employs 50 staff members. With regards to the purpose of the building not only its thermal isolation but also practical and convenient utilization of the building were thus being solved.

Reconstruction of the primary school in Morkovice

The whole school premises consists of five buildings. The works were being performed in four of them because the main building had been reconstructed before. The reconstruction concerned the building with the gym where also first grades and workshops were located, the outbuildings with the school cafeteria, and the changing rooms. The reconstruction of the building housing the remaining classrooms and teachers offices also represented a significant phase of the reconstruction.

In the course of the works, we partly replaced windows including the inner as well as outer window sills, and the main entrance wall of the school building. The facades were completely insulated and so was the attic. We carried out smaller building and plumbing modifications and works such as new roof, gutters and downtakes flashings. Also several staircases including the outside one were touched.

Especially the outbuildings showed considerable dampness, therefore some parts of the damp plaster were put down and completely restored. New stucco plaster was implemented on the interwindow linings. The windows were provided with safety glass and a film against window breakage, which becomes a very convenient solution not only against a potential break-in but also as a prevention against breaking windows by lively children. The reconstruction generally enhanced the thermal properties of the building and at the same time increased the comfort and convenience of the pupils, teachers and other employees of the school.

Completed in the year 2011
Reconstructions, extensionsSchool buildings


Reconstruction of the primary school in MorkoviceReconstruction of the primary school in MorkoviceReconstruction of the primary school in MorkoviceReconstruction of the primary school in MorkoviceReconstruction of the primary school in MorkoviceReconstruction of the primary school in Morkovice

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Selected referenceReconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

Reconstruction of Food Technology Laboratories – Tomas Bata University

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