
Sanitation of Pavím court

Sanitation of Pavím court

Carrying out of sanitation works of Pavím court in Podzámecké garden in Kromeriz for the Archbishops palace and gardens in Kromeriz.

Completed in the year 2001
Reconstructions, extensionsHistorical buildings


Sanitation of Pavím courtSanitation of Pavím courtSanitation of Pavím courtSanitation of Pavím courtSanitation of Pavím court

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Selected referenceInsulation of the student accommodation at Czech Technical University in Prague Strahov

Insulation of the student accommodation at Czech Technical University in Prague Strahov

Two blocks of student dormitories in Strahov are all well-prepared for the heating season as well as sultry summers. The accommodation for the students of CTU acquired a new insulated facade and all its windows were exchanged for new ones. The industrial look of both…