
SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)

The first and at the same time the only indoor surfing facility in the country is located in Prague Letňany. Surfing lovers, beginners or advanced, may enjoy the ride on a specially created wave, and for those who prefer sipping good coffee may enjoy their cup in the cafe with the view of the pool, so they do not miss the unique spectacle. Surf Arena founded new options for surfing enthusiasts and we are happy to have had the possibility to participate from the very beginning.

SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)

The first challenge we had to face were the results of the hydrogeological research of the plot. For the fact there were clay and loess found in the foundation layer, we founded the building on piles. The foundation slab was provided with waterproofing formation with glass fiber reinforcement to waterproof it from the subsoil dampness. Then, an elegantly designed three-story block with a glazed portal could have been erected on such solid foundations.

On the ground floor, which is the technical part of the building, you can find a parking lot and engine rooms – ventilation engine room, high/low voltage room, and pool technologies room. Above, on the second floor, the surfing wave is situated and the cafe with a stage for concerts and other events held on the premises. The last floor provides not only neoprenes for surfers but also instructors´ advice in the instruction room, where the surfers will get to know how to surf a wave. And then, hooray, go and catch your wave – the staircase leading to its upper edge is also located on the third floor, the last one.
The Surf Arena Building breaks down barriers not only by offering a surfing experience on the mainland but also by its openness and accessibility to guests with reduced mobility. The guests with reduced mobility had been thought of when installing a spacious elevator, a designated parking place, as well as when building sanitary facilities and showers equipped with seats.

And what is it like inside of such a Czech surfing paradise?! – You may watch here or visit Prague Letňany and make your own experience and see with your own eyes that waves can be caught also without the sea.

Completed in the year 2016
Significant structuresVideo referencesNew buildings



SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)SURF ARENA – Prague (Letňany)

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Selected referenceReconstruction of the ward of gynecology and obstetrics in Karviná

Reconstruction of the ward of gynecology and obstetrics in Karviná

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