
The depository of the Czech Museum of Music in Litoměřice

The Czech Museum of Music has finally been facilitated with a new depository. The reconstruction of the barracks located at Pod Radobýlem in Litoměřice gave a new space which now accommodates not only the depository but also a small room for cultural events.

The depository of the Czech Museum of Music in Litoměřice

The premises of the former artillery barracks at Pod Radobýlem in Litoměřice dating back to 1914 turned this year into a scientific research and cultural area for researchers as well as for being a venue for social events. The building was renovated, some of the load-bearing walls and partitions were torn down, and the inner space was newly laid out and arranged. The entrance to the building was retouched and an elevator shaft was built.  

The new depository of musical instruments and literature houses a study room with 12 research places and a hall for social events with the capacity for 47 visitors. The four-storey building is newly equipped with a freight elevator for utilizing a better traffic between the individual floors.

Most parts of the interior underwent a complete reconstruction. The load capacity of the wooden-beam floors was reinforced on the individual storeys. However, we preserved the original massive granite staircase in the building. The exterior entrance staircase was designated to connect to the original one. It is now sheltered with a new canopy.

The investor had highly strict requirements for the depository on ensuring the appropriate air-conditioning. The required interior temperature between 15 and 21°C is maintained by means of the central heating as well as electrical heaters in all of the depositories. The air-conditioning system maintains the interior relative humidity between 40 up to 60 %, and the system works with the circulating air and the minimum of outdoor air.

Completed in the year 2017
Reconstructions, extensions


The depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in LitoměřiceThe depository of the Czech Museum of Music in Litoměřice

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Selected referenceCTU Lecture Rooms – “Czech Technical University in Prague – Reconstruction of Lecture Rooms B280 and B286”

CTU Lecture Rooms – “Czech Technical University in Prague – Reconstruction of Lecture Rooms B280 and B286”

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