Other selected references

Reconstruction of the University Canteen – Palacký University in Olomouc

Multifunctional, education, community and cultural centre Fabrika

New building of the Center for Materials, Mechanics, and Technology – J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem

Tree of Life Spa Resort in Lázně Bělohrad for Ann’s Peat Spa

New building district court Karviná in Havířov
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Zoological garden in Prague – technical facilities – 5th phase
Floods have caused extensive damage in Prague Zoo. Therefore, VW Wachal construction company has created new premises for technical facilities for Prague Zoo outside the floodplain area.
Prague ZOO has experienced a lot for its over 80 years of history. Particularly ill-fated in its history were floods – the location of the area of the zoo on the picturesque bank of the Vltava river simply takes its toll. Therefore, in recent years, a number of building adjustments have been needed to prevent or at least mitigate the damages caused by floods.
This also involved repeatedly flooded areas of the technical facilities. These thus had to be moved out of the floodplain, to the place where the former warehouse of transport boxes in the northern part of the Prague Troja grounds used to be.
After having obtained the almost 24 million contract, we had to deal primarily with the dismantling of the steel structure of the existing storage hall, the relocation of 3 containers, as well as the removal of trees and greenery preventing any construction. Based on the recommendation of the statics, a full geological survey of the building site followed.
Only then could the building itself be constructed. The goal was to create a two-storey building with employee lockers, locksmith’s workshop, multi-storey garage, archive and the carpenter’s shop. On the ground floor there will also be a storage area – as was the case with the former area. However, compared with the previous building, the construction of the new building was designed as a combination of reinforced concrete and load-bearing masonry. The reinforced concrete ceiling slabs above the 1st and 2nd floors were made of raw concrete corresponding to the very high requirements on the quality.
Both floors were interconnected by an internal three-aisled staircase made of a reinforced concrete monolith. We then provided the cladding of the building with adequate thermal and acoustic insulation.
Despite the purely operational purpose of the building, we have managed to meet the requirements of the client, and the building not only meets all the requirements for functionality but also fits the surroundings. If you even want to give your building project to the hands of professionals, let us know.
Completed in the year 2017Reconstructions, extensions