
ZŠ Ďáblice

We have completed the second phase of construction works at the Prague-Ďáblice Elementary School. We facilitated the school with a modern part of the building and connected it to the original historic buildings, we united the overall impression of the school premises and increased the capacity for other classrooms.

ZŠ Ďáblice

With the end of the summer holidays, we also completed the second phase of the construction works at the Prague elementary school located in Prague-Ďáblice. In the first phase, it was possible to insulate the school with financial subsidies and create some new space for two classrooms. The aim of the second phase was to link and unify the premises forming the school campus.

The school had been a historic building with classrooms for its second-degree pupils, and the extension from the 1990s that served to first-degree pupils. However, such an arrangement did not correspond to the vision of the school management, which wanted the school based on meetings, communication and cooperation of children across the years. Therefore, a new building had been proposed, which gives pupils more space, and is linked more sensitively to the historical part of the complex. Both parts of the school retain their own spirit and their separation is achieved with the use of different materials, details or floors. While in the old part we used a colored stucco coating on the walls, for the new part some of the VPC plasters were partly used. The aim was not to create stark contrasts, but rather a gentle navigation system by which pupils and teachers can move around the school premises while knowing where they are.

The building has four floors. On the ground floor, we have created a new entrance hall, which forms the center of the entire area. We also let more light enter the building through the atrium. The internal partitions are glazed and separate the space from the dining room and the courtyard. From the entrance hall the corridors then run into the individual parts of the school. The classrooms on the 3rd floor are connected by a steel lattice girder walkway mounted on the wall of the newly completed building, and on the opposite side supported by a column placed on the already-existing reinforced concrete roofing of the courtyard. Thanks to the flat roof, it was possible to create a living space in the newly-built building which should serve as a summer classroom in the future.

Thanks to the more efficient layout, the capacity of the school has been increased by four new classrooms. We also created 16 parking spaces, including a parking space for people with reduced mobility. A green separating strip with a trim separates the school from the surrounding area and protects the building while parking.

Completed in the year 2017
Video referencesNew buildingsReconstructions, extensionsSchool buildings



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